Rebecca Gigli is deputy chairman of the Institute for the Study of American Philosophy and Semiotics. She studied foreign language and literature at Pisa University, where she got her bachelor’s degree (2016) and master’s degree (2018). In 2019, she specialized in Russian literature at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. From July 2020 to February 2024, she was a PhD student at the Department of Russian Literature of the same institution. In July 2024, Rebecca Gigli defended her PhD thesis, entitled “Pamyat’ I kul’turnaya identichnost’ v memuarnoy proze kn. I. M. Dolgorukova (Memory and Cultural Identity in the Memoirs of Prince I. M. Dolgorukov)”. From December 2024 she is Assistant Professor at the Institute for Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Her scientific interests are comparative studies, Russian Literature, semiotics, autobiographical genres, and cultural memory.