The Institute for the Study of American Philosophy (ISAP) engages in a broad spectrum of educational, social and interdisciplinary research activities, established/inscribed within the boundaries of the American philosophical tradition, its historical developments and contemporary manifestations. ISAP organizes specialized courses, conferences and informal educational events aimed at the general public, supports the translation and publication of scientific texts in the field of American philosophy, and encourages the work on original philosophical research conducted by its members and affiliates. The organization actively supports scientific exchange on a national and international level and seeks partnerships with similar institutions devoted to studying philosophy and other interdisciplinary fields.
The translation and publishing of contemporary research focused on the topic of American philosophy contributes to the broadening of the horizons of the Bulgarian academic public and introduces the readers to the latest developments on the matter. The publishing branch of ISAP allows young and established scholars to popularize their work on an international level, gain the recognition they deserve, and increase the quality, prestige and significance of Bulgarian philosophical research as well. This is also achieved through the establishment of contacts and working relationships with foreign scientific organizations and research centers which are specialized in American Philosophy.
At the same time, the social and educational activities of ISAP are aimed at a broader public in an attempt to popularize the basis and main tendencies of contemporary American Philosophy, as well as their historical development and significance. This part of our work is essential due to insufficient information on the topic and the need for qualified specialists who can present it to the general public meaningfully and engagingly. Therefore, regular and systematic philosophical courses go hand in hand with informal educational events such as public readings, concerts and exhibitions. We desire to make philosophy enjoyable and accessible to everybody without taking away from the seriousness of its topics. This sort of informal activities, especially in the context of American philosophy, which has always been characterized by its practicality, has true potential in awakening the interest of the broader public and in directing it towards positive endeavors.